Opportunity & Uncertainty Mapping

How to reveal opportunity, plan for uncertainty and win buy-in to lead innovative initiatives

Today’s innovation leaders need to see risk, avoid disruption and accelerate change in spite of unknowns. To be successful, transformation and innovation initiatives need the buy-in of their organization, as well as from complex stakeholder networks, too. By mapping potential scenarios leaders take the fear out of
potential threats and disruptors, reveal hidden opportunities and win the trust to lead.

Connect to the expert

With over 20 years experience in transformation, digital growth strategy and innovation marketing, Laura knows the business value of trust. A startup-to-IPO executive and award-winning B2B editor, she uses storytelling and customer-centric strategies to position brands and leaders, optimize the sales pipeline and create trust for innovation and growth.

Laura Fleming Schulte

Enabler, Go To Market & Digital Brand Expert

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