Creating Synergies Post Merger

Modernization of Strategy, Products, Processes, and Structures – Implementing a Future- and Growth-Oriented Corporate Culture

In a world driven by digital innovation, publishing houses face an urgent need to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving landscape. Despite having implemented their own digital business models, many publishers still find themselves rooted in traditional print-focused approaches, processes and structures: Print
revenues are still crucial, veteran employees still prefer the medium print.

Connect to the expert

For 30 years “something with media”, for 20 years “something with online” and always everything around “content-driven business”. Consultant, strategist, organiser, business developer, interim manager (and sometimes – depending on the client – punching ball, jester or tamer). Born, raised and studied in Berlin in the
80s, hence reasonably bulletproof.

Hans-Jörg Schmidt

Senior Enabler and Media Strategist

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