Blue Ocean Initiative
Systematically creating growth beyond the competition
Red Oceans are industries with defined and accepted boundaries where companies try to outperform their rivals and grab a greater share of existing demand – leading to “bloody” competition with low prof-
itability. Blue Oceans denote the unknown market space, unexplored by competition, that provides an opportunity for profitable and rapid growth – which you want to explore for your company!
Connect with the expert
Bernd has extensive experience in the field of business development – in multinational companies, SMEs and startups. He has served as Sales and Marketing Director, Managing Director, Interim Manager, and Operating Partner for investors as well as advisor and coach. He is certified for Design Thinking (HPI Institute Potsdam; INSEAD, Fontainebleau) and recently for the Market Opportunity Navigator (by Marc
Gruber & Sharon Tal: He lives in the Zurich Area.